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What Is Information Overload (And How to Overcome It) - Lifehack
information overload is and how to overcome it.You will no longer be stuck staring at your computer screen in frustration when you need to write that proposal for work, put off your workout so you can scroll through “just one more” article on your smartphone, or let social media distract you from all of your household tasks!So, without further ado, here is an overview of what to know about information overload and surefire ways to overcome it. Information overload is the act of learning so much that it hinders you from taking action.For example, maybe you just read countless news articles, white papers, and other sources of information on a certain subject. Or, you listened to a lot of informational podcasts or radio shows and then felt completely inundated with varying perspectives and opinions.The most common manifestation of information overload is “analysis paralysis” in which we get so much information about something that we can’t decide which decision is the best one to make. There are simply too many options brought forth by all of the information you just consumed, so you just think about all of the different avenues without moving forward. Information overload can cause us to become so stressed out that we decide not to make any decision at all (which is in and of itself a decision). Also, according to Psychology Today, “Information overload can lead to real feelings of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and powerless, and mental fatigue. It can also lead to cognitive issues such as difficulty making decisions or making hasty (often bad) decisions.” Therefore, information overload can be extremely detrimental to our psychological well-being.
5 Talent Development Hacks To 10x Employees' Performance - Lifehack
Team morale is enhanced by close physical contact. You mostly feel in control of your environment.Unfortunately, that time machine doesn’t exist just yet. However, managers can use the current situation to find new and innovative ways to increase employee engagement and performance through the much-underutilized skill of talent development.In this article, I will discuss five simple talent development hacks for managers to improve employee performance, improve retention rates, and reduce stress. The Association Of Talent Development defines talent development as: “Efforts that foster learning, employee engagement, talent management, and employee development to drive organisational performance, productivity, and results. To some, talent development is an important tool for unleashing human potential. To others, it is a set of practical capabilities for driving organisational results by creating the processes, systems, and frameworks that advance training and development strategies, succession planning, and learning opportunities.” This article focuses on what managers can do to unleash human potential. Most managers are unaware of the power they have to unleash human potential within their employees. It is such an untapped leadership skill. This is in part because talent development traditionally sits within the human resources systems and frameworks.